Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Friday!

Wow! This week just blew right by me. I suspect the weekend will do the same.

It appears as though it will be a somewhat busy day at work today, which is great. I'll take it! Tomorrow is the firm get together and we may take the babes to see Santa. Otherwise, it will be grocery shopping, Christmas shopping, Costco lugging and packing! :) The best part, we'll do it together. Marc doesn't have to work this weekend and I am so glad about it! might be time to throw in the Bull Run lights. That was a lot of fun last year. I have no doubt we'll come up with something.

Looks like there will be no snow here today. Boo! I guess it is actually for the best, but I am anxious to see some pretty white trees and I don't want it when we are trying to move. That would not be fun.

Every morning this week I've listened to the traffic report while brushing my teeth and I've heard the same advertisement for Rolex. Around the holidays, I am used to hearing such commercials but this one really stands out. I almost find it distasteful of Rolex to advertise like that in this market. Am I just being a hater? I suppose I am. I just keep hearing about pay cuts, job loss, foreclosures, loss of retirement funds, etc. Random thought, I guess.

Well, I'm off. I hope you guys have a stupendous weekend! That's right! STUPENDOUS! I love that word. I need to use it more often. :)


Rach said...

Enjoy your weekend! I can't wait to read ALL about the fun-ness! :o)

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

Happy Friday to you too, Jess!!

Courtney said...

Okay, you are too cute and STUPENDOUS also! Have a good weekend and I hope you have a ton of fun. How nice Marc doesn't have to work.