Thank you to the Buyer's Agent. You heard how upset I was over the prospect of me giving up the mirror my mother gave me and offered to buy a new mirror for your "a-hole" clients. That was so very sweet of you and I appreciate it more than you know. You agreed that their request was heartless and ridiculous. Thank you for going out of your way for strangers and admitting that the Buyers are jerks.
Yay! That's so wonderful. To see someone give of themselves like that is refreshing. I'm so glad you get to keep your mirror!
Yeah, it is very nice. We offered a replacement, but that wasn't acceptable. It was THE mirror or $100! Not very nice. If it was just a picture mirror to me, I would have left it. It also wasn't installed so, we didn't need to leave it there. They were just being mean.
Glad it all worked out for the greater good.
Totally out of control jerk-head clients but a WONDERFUL buyers' agent. I'm glad there is a somewhat happy ending here. Still, though, big ole hugs!
Goodness, that is really nice of the agent. That is too bad that your buyers are being so difficult.
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