Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thankful Thursday

First, I have to say that it is so dark outside, even though we are well into the morning. It is a bit strange.

Next, I have to tell Anonymous (yesterday's post) that you were right! Unbelievable!
Remember the prospective employee (PE) with the sick dad in Cali? I spoke to her reference again yesterday, the one that told me she was ineligible for rehire the day before. I repeated the explanation the PE had given me. I explained that, if the story was true, we would be able to look past the short notice. I said, "If she is ineligible for rehire for other reasons, you don't have to go into it, but you could just say, 'other reasons.'" She hesitated and so, I pulled out the "sister" card. You know the one..."I KNOW you know how hard it is to find good employees. I'm sure you deal with it all the time too...etc." She replied, "OTHER REASONS." {GASP!} Wait there is more!

While I was on the phone with that reference, I got a voicemail from the office manager of different office where the PE had worked. {The PE told me that this dentist office had split and that she was laid off.} So, I called the office manager back. She apologized for not returning my call sooner (I had called on Monday and left a message). Evidently, she had locked her HR file cabinet and lost the key. She had finally given up looking for the key and called a locksmith, but wanted to call me and let me know that the PE had at least worked there. She didn't have specific information re dates of employment yet. I had one question, "Is she eligible for rehire?" She responded with an emphatic, "NO!" {TA DA!}

This morning, I spoke with a reference of another candidate. It was amazing how this "Manager" responded when asked what tasks the candidate performed while she worked with the company. It was IDENTICAL to her resume, order AND wording. Give me a freaking break, Chick. Do I look like an idiot? What is wrong with people? Honestly!

On to the list...

Today I am thankful for...

1. A sense of humor. Interviewing, next to the tech support, is probably my least favorite part of my job. It can be quite hysterical though. Remind me to tell you the one about the candidate that literally beat her cane on my conference room table. Wes, I know that is your favorite. :)

2. my brother, Wes. Wes took us out last night to, don't laugh, Golden Corral! I loved it! I want to go back today. I just love their yeast rolls. I think the song goes, "I could've danced all night," but in my case, I could've eaten all night. YUM! We also took a ride through the Festival of Lights, which was a fun trip.

3. my hubby, as always. :) He took Syd to school this morning so that I could make it to work on time. I'm dragging a bit these days. I'm sad that I didn't make it to Starbucks this week so far, but I am hopeful that I will make it tomorrow.

4. my emergency desk chapstick! I usually have two or three lip balms between my coat and purse, but I've changed both so often the last few weeks that I forget to move them. It is amazing how addicted you can get to those little things.

5. the ability to check a few things off of my to do list. Finally! I'm starting to get my butt into gear, both at home and at work. Well...I'm certainly trying. I was able to check off several things this week, which always makes me feel better. There is still much to be done, but it is nice to see progress.

6. the 2008 holiday schedule that just came out. The partners approved four day weekends for Thanksgiving and Christmas! How lucky! :) This is great given that I will have to use leave for maternity leave.

7. my mom. Besides the obvious reasons to be thankful for your mother, she is coming up tomorrow afternoon to watch Sydney so that I can attend my firm holiday party on Saturday night. I'm really looking forward to it, but it sounds like we might have to deal with inclement weather. I hope it doesn't get cancelled.

8. my health. I heard another sad story this morning and it just makes me thankful that I am healthy. Little Nathan is kicking the crap out of me right now and even though it can be uncomfortable, it is such an amazing thing.

9. not being on bed rest. I was just, ahem, kinda complaining to a relative that I don't like being sequestered to my area for the remainder of my pregnancy. Then, I stopped myself when I realized that I could be on bed rest. That would be torture! I get cabin fever like crazy. So, the fact that I cannot drive more than my general area is NOTHING to be upset over.

10. a scanner. Our office has now decided to go completely paperless on a few things, which is going to save soooo many trees. I'm so excited they agreed to it.

11. my new cell phone charger. We had ordered an extra one that has been sitting for a while. I thought it was silly, but mine broke and now I need it. Good job, hubby!

12. hole punchers and binders. Seriously, what kind of disorganized world did we live in before someone invented them. I especially love the hole puncher on my copier. You have no idea!

13. mozzarella sticks, a craving of late. I brought my lunch today, which I will eat, but I'm going to order mozzarella sticks from downstairs. I just have to have them.

14. Friday. I will be so happy to NOT have to wear hosiery tomorrow. I really really detest them. Also, my hubby is sending me to the spa for a pedicure and an eyebrow wax tomorrow. Isn't he the best? :) Another fun part is that mom is coming too. Also, I think I might get to see my sister for a few minutes tomorrow.

15. Thursday night tv! Tonight, Survivor and Grey's. I know I'm a big dork. I love Thursday tv! This, of course, means that I have to seriously kick my butt in gear tonight to get chores done BEFORE they come on. Although, I do plan to do some wrapping while they are on. Now THAT is what I call multi-tasking. :)

I hope you guys have a great great day. Even though it is now lunch time, it is still cloudy and yucky outside. That is why I am THANKFUL I have my lunch already in the fridge, no need to venture out. :)



Jess said...

I hope a good candidate pops up soon for you. It must be frustrating to not have even a single positive lead at this point.

I am so glad you are eating a lot too! I can't stop myself, I am just so hungry all the time. My baby is more of a squirmer this time but I can relate to feeling thankful even when the foot is crammed way up in my ribs, lol. We are lucky to get pregnant easily and have healthy babies.

Blech for the hosiery. I had to buy my first pair of maternity hose for Bob's Xmas party tomorrow night. I did my mani/pedi while Ella was in school today- such a treat! Have fun with your mom tomorrow!

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

WHAT a story...crazyness! Hang in there...and keep on humoring it!

I love Thankful Thursdays! :)

Anonymous said...

You would just be surprised to know who the anonymous is. Though with the bad circustances, I find you very positive. I do truly hope you get a better person for the position. I told you, to don't trust it. If the reference said No.. then follow those exact words. In time the promising canidate will come.


Unknown said...

as always, i love love love your thankful list. so inspiring! and hooray that you didn't hire that employee! good luck with the search.

Jess T said...


You would be surprised to know that I am not surprised at all! :)

I was surprised to find all of that stuff hidden in your desk though! :)

I'm not sure how you found me, but I hope you'll stay in touch.


Anonymous said...

I found you by you actually. You must have typed your site and I have been checking it out since. Look back I guess maybe starting 3 weeks ago or so anonymous comments, that's me!

You are very inspiring and despite the situation. Your someone to look up to.

P.S. How'd you know?

Oh yeah, sorry about the desk thing... I feel so shameful:( really sorry.

Christie said...

I love reading your lists. It reminds me to be thankful for the little things! I am thankful for Thursday TV too - only I like CSI and Without a Trace. And tonight I'm grateful that my hubby is going to play basketball, so I can run on the TM and watch TV to my heart's content!

tiburon said...

I always see your Thankful Thursday when Thursday is almost over. I need to get on it sooner! I made too many lists today...and even checked a couple twice.

I hope the hiring thing gets easier :)

Woli said...

Wow - Your comment section was a lot of fun today! I love reading your posts, especially about interviewing. The grass is always greener on the other side. Some days I feel really trapped and recall my glorious days as a career woman!

David said...

Love the "Thankful list". Something we should all do!!

- David