Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Keepin' My Word

Okay, I made it home late again last night. This is becoming quite the trend, going in early and staying late. Not anymore! :) I don't mind the early in, but the late stay has got to go. That cuts into my family time and I'm not going to make that a habit. Of course, easier said than done. :) Marc plans to call me fifteen minutes before I'm scheduled to leave to remind me to do so. Life is too short.

We've had our house up for a little over two weeks and the first viewing was yesterday. It is a really good thing that I'm not that thrilled about moving. Otherwise, I might be really upset. :)

We purchased a new tent and sleeping bags this weekend. This will be the first camping trip we've taken in probably seven years. So, our two man tent won't work for the four of us. :) Marc came home from Iraq and declared that he would never camp again. I was concerned that he'd stick to it. Thankfully not! We're planning a trip in mid-April. I'm quite excited. I did lots of camping when I was a kid and I cannot wait to share this experience with my daughter. I'm quite the city girl these days so, we'll see how much of a change it is for me.

I'm thrilled and I almost forgot to tell you...I'm going to see Celine Dion in Sept!! We purchased the seats yesterday. Of course, the good seats are going for $500-1000, which is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! So, we'll need tissues for the nosebleeds, but I've wanted to see her since I was fifteen. Finally!

Well, I've got lots of work waiting for me. Today, I'm keeping my word and I'm going home on time!!!

I hope you have a great day!


Courtney said...

I hope you do keep your word. Life is too short to stay at work and miss quality time with your family. I'm glad you get to go camping and it's wonderful about Celine Dion.

Unknown said...

hooray for making it home on time! and for celine! how fun!

Christie said...

Wow - you are brave for taking your kids camping. I love camping, but I've only dared do it once since having kids. I'm not sure what I'm afraid of, and they loved it. But I still think you're brave. Have so much fun!

Jess said...

Jess, definitely don't work yourself to the bone. I think we are going camping in May and I am really looking forward to it. Just two days but with both kids I think that will be PLENTY!

I love Celine, Bob makes fun of me but she really has a gorgeous voice. Enjoy. ;-)

The Hall Family said...

You're right, life is too short! Did you make it out on time? I hope so. :)

By the way, where have you guys decided to go camping? We're actually taking the whole family on a camping trip up to PA in June for 4 days! I'm kind of looking forward to it and kind of fearing it at the same time! Oh well. I hope you guys have fun.

Laura said...

I loved, loved, LOVED camping and I hope you have a great time. We were thinking of getting a 5th wheel last summer, as the thought of ground camping was getting less appealing. :)

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

You will LOVE the Celine show! I took my sister for her birthday back in 2001 - she knows how to put on a fantastic amazing show. Totally worth it!

Yay for camping! It can be really relaxing if you pack right :)

Rach said...

Have fun! AND, more importantly, enjoy your family! You said it, life's too short to do otherwise. :o)

Congrats on the Celine Dion tickets! :o)

mmandtt said...

I always tell Brian... Your tombstone will not say "Loyal employee." lol. Go home and get some hugs!!!!

Anonymous said...

I also hope you stick with what you are planning. Your kids are only little once and as the saying goes, on our death beds we will not being saying "I wish I'd spent more time at my office".